Still can’t break 50 words per minute …

Words Typed: 3000
Time Typed: 83 Minutes
Average WPM: 36
Chapters Completed: 2

Words Typed: 3324
Time Typed: 72 minutes
Avg. WPM: 46
Chapters completed: 2

Here’s my nifty table:


Today was another great day for cranking out the first draft. However, it looks like I’ve hit a plateau, though that’s not necessarily a bad thing …

My typing speed is up from yesterday, and I was able to finish two chapters. But by looking at that chart there are two glaring issues.

  1. What happened in the third and 4th typing sprint?
  2. Why can’t you type 50 words per minute?

To answer the first question, I was trying to write some pretty difficult stuff that I’ve never written before. I was essentially trying to type out a “textbook” that describes part of the world my fictional characters live in. Trying to get the voice right, and trying to type from the hip on the history of my fantasy world is not easy and was completely unnatural.

I think I’m pretty good at writing action sequences and getting dialogue taken care of as well. But writing the text in a book, inside my book, was a new one to me.

Lesson learned: do my bullet outline next time.

I was cranking out the draft like nobody’s business. The words were flowing in the first two sprints. Unfortunately, I mistakenly decided to go the overconfident route and just power through a part of the book I knew was going to get me in trouble.

Sure, I’ve dealt with doubts in my writing before. Usually, when I know something difficult to write is coming up I avoid it and move on to the next part. That lead to lots of missing stuff from my books, or me just never getting around to that stuff and avoiding it indefinitely.

However, as I noted earlier today, there is an easy way to get around that little pitfall. All you need to do is create your 1-minute bullet outline for the spot you’re having difficulty with.

I didn’t even take my own advice.

I should have. It might have allowed me to pass 50 words per minute during one of my sprints.

So now, I have a new goal. What’s the point of having goals if you don’t push yourself?

Obviously typing a “measly” 36 words per minute is a reachable goal. I mean measly for me of course, not anyone reading this.

So my goal for tomorrow is going to be a little bit loftier. Let’s see if I can do it:

Tomorrow’s Goals:

Average WPM: 55
Time Typed: 120
Words Typed: 6600
Chapters Completed: 4

Before I start typing I’m going to need to plan ahead a little bit. I’ll need to make sure I have everything bullet outlined, know where my tough spots are going to be, and make sure I won’t have any distractions!

Who knows, maybe I’ll hit my goal …

Thanks for following me along on this journey with me. If you want to check out my library of fiction books (a total of 1 …) go here. If you want to see my official author website, go here.

Don’t forget that I also have a free cheat sheet on writing killer chapters you can get if you go here!

If anything in this post helped or inspired you, or you just hated it, let me know in the comments.

If you know of anyone who could use some advice, share this article with them on your favorite social media platform!

Also, let me know if you want me to start putting snippets of my chapters on the blog so you can see what I’m writing about!

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